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New Character Types: Fairies

Mischief makers to their core, the fairies hail from the Kottick Swamplands and run amuck. They consider Quiperia to be a dying place with its lack of trees and more limited magic to their homeland. They generally have a large distaste for its citizens considering them to be old. Of course it doesn't stop them from living there and causing havoc. They frequently antagonize and set off trolls for fun and are constantly dancing in the middle of the street. They also only live to 25 so everyone seems old to them and they believe they have constantly discovered things known to most for centuries. Still they are powerful magic users and naturally inclined to the mechanical things. They receive a +3 MP bonus to start as well as +4 to Magic rolls and +2 to Mechanical rolls. This does come at a cost. Fairy characters receive a -2 Health Penalty as well as -2 to Athletics, Interpersonal and Strength rolls and they have a weakness to fire. They have two natural spells. The first is Bizarre Dance which steals MP from an enemy and the second is silence which seals off an enemies magic for 5 turns.

More to come on getting the into the game! Stay tuned!

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