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Turmoil of Trolls: Into the Toxic Depths and Back

Updated: Mar 18

You are minding your own business, enjoying a wonderful time in the woods. You stumble onto a temple. Thinking you can get a great picture you walk in the center which has the best lighting. A white flash emerges....

Note: If the player chooses to not go on the initial quest it is game over. At any level the character may exit. If they do just record the amount of health they have and the number they have for the score.

Upon either finding the Orb or exiting the quest the player must traverse the road into Delusiona the city of Thoughts and Ideas. Collect the coins along the way and defeat the bots and quips trying to get you.

Upon Completion of the game and the player has obtained a suitable amount of coins and lives (they can replay as many times as they wish), you are now in Delusiona.

Set up the city for the player however you wish but include a market and Virtuon temple at a minimum for your player to visit. Add in any other arcade games you wish in the meantime if you want to add more distractions.

As the player (maybe finally) gets into and shops at the market they are approached by a figure cloaked in red. The being identifies itself as an agent of Conspirion. Conspirion offers you a lot of power to knock his self righteous brother down a peg. Dialogue for the player can go any scripted way you want. Our example is a game like so:

The player should ultimately choose between giving the Orb back to Virtuon at the temple and accepting the gift moving on to the next adventure, or taking Conspirion up on the deal. This triggers a boss battle for the player:

You can edit the player's powers and lives based on the previous scores of the two games and anything offered by Conspirion. In this case our player has increased fire power and can summon the past Quips to fight for you and attack Virtuon.

Either option you have done it and completed your adventure! Rest now for more await in the future!

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